Sunday Morning’s message: 2nd June 2024
Pastor David Jones
citywestchurch YouTube:
Objective: To better understand Romans 8:28 in the context of God’s word and what it means to you and I today.
Leaders Note: This passage of scripture is a very encouraging portion of Gods word for each of us. Every person goes through hard times or knows of someone going through a tough season in life. Help each person in your group to understand that God has a bigger picture and to keep eternity in mind. Please choose one or two sections of the study for time’s sake. Discuss what best suits your group. Have fun Jesus people as we follow Jesus together.
Read main text Romans 8:28
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
We could ask ourselves these questions, who is Paul talking about and whom is he talking to. What “good” and what is “his purpose” these are great questions to ask. In this word time we will bring more clarity to the power of this verse. Is this verse a principle or a promise to us as believers? This text applies to believers not unbelievers as it states, “to those who love God”. If it is a promise, how come life does not always turn out that great or as we expect? Or maybe there is an expectation issue. It is important to remember we are a new creation; we have a new hope in Jesus and we have a living relationship with the Father by his Spirit.
Paul Starts by saying, “And we know” Romans 8:28
Question and discussion- What do we know about the Father or what misconceptions do people have of God.
Leader – Life’s good times and bad times, wrong teachings can lead to us thinking, “we know” If we have a wrong understanding of God, it sets us up. For example: do we see God as both God and our Father or do we see him just as God?
We are under the providential care of the Father. The word providence is not in the Bible but is a clear concept from Genesis through to the book of Revelation. Every circumstance is under his watchful eye of an all loving, all caring father in heaven. God is sovereign: He is ruling, reigning, guiding, aligning, caring, providing over your life, and the Father is interested in you.
“And we Know” - What God Starts He completes.
The Bibles states that we can be confident of this.
Read and discuss Philippians 1:6 (Leader keep in mind “And we know”)
I meet so many people who are in the construction trades who have unfinished work on their own homes. They complete other people’s homes often before their own. It has become a common perception that builders have unfinished homes. And this does have some truth to it.
Question – How do we Know?
How do we know we can trust and understand Romans 8:28
Encouraging truth Romans 8 starts with – “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus”.
Romans 8 ends with – “nothing shall be able to separate us from the love of God”.
“And we Know” - The Holy Spirit is working within you all the time.
Read and Discuss Romans 8:26-27 (Leader: Take time to break this verse down)
Likewise, the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. 27Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God.
The Holy Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God’s will. The Holy Spirit and God’s relationship is so close that the Spirit mediates on our behalf. The Holy Spirit asks on our behalf, pleads and intervenes for you in regard to God’s purpose for your life.
“according to the will of God”
“according to his purposes”
It is important to speak in tongues if you have received this gift. However, even if you have not received the gift of speaking in tongues the Holy Spirit works in you from the moment you were filled at salvation. All believers can be continually filled with the Holy Spirit.
Dave Roberson said “When we pray in tongues just one sentence, it is for edification, because God is the origin of it. Holy Spirit can express with one paragraph what would take us all day”
“And we Know” - God is Good
Leader: Strong point - We must believe this
Read and discuss Psalms 34:8
Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.
Question – Why is it important to believe this as a core belief? Discuss.
If we will believe good things happen to good people. I must not be a good person if bad things happen to me or in my life. When things go wrong or life gets tough, God is still good.
“And we Know” - God has a Purpose.
Comfort does not produce character.
God allows us to go through things, as this builds intended character that only comes through the pruning processes and the fire of life. In the end it produces a harvest of righteousness and the Lord prunes those whom he loves. The Father, who is the gardener of our life prunes us so we will produce much fruit. John 15. The end result is Christ likeness and Christ like behaviour. Trust in the lord, lean into him and keep your eyes fixed on Jesus.
Read and discuss Psalm 27:14
Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.
The Father works things out in the short term and the long term. The circumstances of life do not change God or this verse from the bible. God is good, he has a purpose.