Services are approximately 1.5hrs.
62c Poplar Grove, Whalers Gate, New Plymouth
For a map to see where we are located please click here.

For parents with children aged 0 - 2
Our parents room has lots of toys for your infant, changing tables, comfortable couches and facilities for you to make a coffee. There is also a TV with a live feed of the service in the main auditorium.

For Kids aged 2 - 3
Starting at 10:30am every Sunday, there is a space available for parents and children to play together with a fun program led by our Rockstars leaders. Please sign-in at the table outside Rockstars.

Kids aged 4 - 5
Starting at 10:30am every Sunday, we have a dedicated team who create an environment where children can experience fun, love and Jesus. Please sign-in your child at the table outside Superstars.

Kids: Year 1 - 6
A place where your child will build life-long relationships and enjoy fun with their friends while connecting with God. Ignition starts at 10:30am every Sunday.
Please sign your child in at Ignition in the foyer.

Youth: Year 7 - 9
Held every fortnight during the morning service starting at 10:30am. It's vision is to grow disciples, to build relationships between the youth and to encourage youth to serve in an area of church life.