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Reflective Questions: Leader Self Check-in

Writer's picture: Sophie WalkerSophie Walker

[The following questions have been adapted from John Finkelde and his ministry - 'Grow a Healthy Church']

As a leader it is important to reflect, not just on your group and its member's growth, but on your own growth, your relationship health, your faith and your capacity.

These questions guide you through a range of topics, giving you time to stop, reflect and acknowledge areas that are your strengths and we as areas you may need grow in.

If you find you have areas you need support with THAT IS OK! No-one is expecting you to be perfect, you aren't Jesus! Reach out and we can discuss how we can support you. You may just need someone to listen, prayer, some tools, or a mentor. We can help with that!

God bless,

Sophie Walker

Reflective Questions:

How's my single life/marital life?

How's my relationships with my kids?

How's my relationships with my friends?

What can I do in the next month to strengthen these relationships?

How's my energy levels?

How’s my exercise regime?

What season are we/am I in – spring, summer, autumn, winter?

How's my character and integrity?

How is my goal achievement?

What is the Lord saying to me?

What needs to change in my life to help me hear from Christ?

What brave decisions am I making?

How am I connecting with unchurched people?

What new things am I learning?

What have I learned recently that has helped me grow?

What problem, failure or pressure am I not facing?

What do I need to start doing?

What do I need to stop doing? J

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